AdSpotting: Crafted from personal experience

Simplify your ad monitoring and significantly reduce wasted ad spend with AdSpotting.

Ad Spend Savings

Proactive excellence in online advertising

At the heart of our approach is the belief that easy savings begin right where your spending starts – at the very beginning.

Instead of retrospectively analyzing what could have been done better, we advocate for immediate action when underperforming results appear right in front of you. Rather than pondering how to learn from mistakes, our mindset is geared towards preventing mistakes in the first place.


Our guiding values from day one

One of our fundamental core values is simplicity and effectiveness. From the very beginning of this project, we consistently refer back to these core values with every adjustment, feature, update, or upgrade, continually asking ourselves:

Does this contribute to user convenience, is it genuinely simple, and does it deliver added value?


Our journey to peace of mind

We find the development of a marketing tool that can offer peace of mind to anyone advertising online truly exhilarating. Knowing that you no longer need to fear squandering your budget on ads that silently drain your resources is immensely rewarding for us.

It's like a standing ovation, a testament to all our hard work. Because that's what we're here for — ensuring satisfied users of our tool from around the globe.

Sr. Media Professional

Major Real Estate Platform

"The intuitive user interface provides valuable insights from waste and enables automatic optimization."

Account Professional

Leading CRM Company

“The interface is easy to navigate and well-designed, meeting current market expectations."

Sr. Retail Consultant

Top e-Commerce Platform

"It's surprising that such a simple solution isn't already available in 2024!"

e-Commerce Specialist

e-Commerce Consultancy

"Looks clean and well-organized, without an overwhelming array of options."

Chief Marketing Officer

Global Hearing Company

"AdSpotting simplifies our workflow, freeing up valuable time for the team to focus on strategic decisions."

Digital Strategy Director

Int. Non-Profit Organization

"AdSpotting delivers efficient, cost-effective results, which is perfect for our organization on a tight budget."

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